It consists of resecting the cheek fat called the ball or Bichat bag, slimming the region and achieving greater definition of the facial oval.
A small incision is made inside the mouth (so there are no visible scars) and it lasts approximately 15 minutes. Local anesthesia is performed, making the discomfort minimal. Because it is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery is quick and on an outpatient basis.
After surgery
During the first day the patient should have relative rest. The local cold helps reduce inflammation in the area. However, from the first days you can carry out daily activities. In the weekly healing process, the stitches inside the mouth are removed and anti-inflammatory treatments such as ultrasound and lymphatic drainage are continued to achieve the final result more quickly.
Post-operation recommendations
– Do not consume dairy products
- Relative rest
– Do not do physical activity
– Apply local cold
When we see results
Patience during the first days is important. Local post-surgery treatments such as post-operative ultrasound and lymphatic drainage will help reduce edema more quickly and effectively. Also if bruises are evident, they will go away during the first weeks. The final results are seen after a few months due to local inflammation.
Surgical time: 15 minutes per zone.
Anesthesia: Local anesthesia
Hospitalization: Ambulatory.
Duration of results: Definitive. They are evident immediately and after the edema has resolved.
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