With the advancement of technology in injectable products, rhinomodeling has gained ground in many innovative treatments that significantly improve the face without the need for surgery. In this case, the nose.

    Indicated for those patients who do not want or cannot undergo aesthetic nose surgery, the application of a filler product is today a very rewarding alternative option. With minimal pre- and post-treatment care, the application takes only a few minutes, is practically painless (since the product contains lidocaine in its composition) and the result is instantaneous.

    Although it is not a treatment applicable in all cases, when it is indicated correctly by the professional the results can be surprising. Disguising the back of the nose, elevating the nasal tip and even visually thinning the nose, the product can act for up to a year and a half after being applied.

    Also, it is important to highlight that the treatment is dynamic, that is, while our professional is performing the application, the patient, holding a mirror in his hand, will indicate to what extent, how much and where he wants to improve aspects of his nose.

    That is why we invite our patients to learn about Rhinomodeling and try this new innovative nasal remodeling technique without surgery; The profile you always dreamed of is only a few minutes away from treatment.

    Procedure time: Minutes.

    Anesthesia: Local Cold.

    Hospitalization: Consulting room

    Recovery: Minimum care according to doctor's instructions.

    Duration of results: Months to a year and a half depending on each patient.


    Frequent questions

    1How long does it last?
    The duration of treatment is 1 year to 1 and a half years.
    2Hurts? Can local anesthesia be used?
    The pain is mild because the product has anesthesia. There are 3 to 4 punctures with a very small needle.
    3How is it different from rhinoplasty?
    The big difference with rhinoplasty is that this treatment is a filler with hyaluronic acid and is not surgery.
    4Is it necessary to carry out medical studies before treatment?
    It is not necessary to carry out studies prior to treatment.
    5What is the post like?
    There is no post-treatment, so the patient can continue with their daily lives without problems.
    6Do I need prior consultation?
    As it is such a simple treatment that only takes a few minutes, a prior consultation is not necessary as the treatment can be carried out during the consultation. In any case, it is always advisable to consult with specialists before carrying out the treatment.

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