It is a simple, fast, practical treatment and, if maintained over time with the indicated sessions, very effective. It is mostly used to achieve muscle toning in difficult areas, even under regular exercise regimens. Through electrical impulses, the contraction of muscle fibers is stimulated at variable frequencies and intensities (according to need).
It not only improves muscle tone and strength but also improves adiposity and lymphatic drainage of the applied region, favoring the disappearance of persistent edema and even improvement of chronic pain.
A new concept is Russian wave electrolifting. Carrying out 2 sessions per week and applying special facial electrodes will achieve a systematic contraction of the facial muscles and skin stimulation, thus giving an effect similar to a lifting. It is then a very safe and reliable non-surgical facelift alternative.
Procedure time: Minutes.
Anesthesia: No.
Hospitalization: Ambulatory.
Recovery: Immediate.
Duration of results: Definitive according to the patient's habits.
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