Educational Days
office and operating rooms.
At Fernández Medical Center we want to bring you closer to the real practice of professional aesthetics. The daily management of patients, complex cases and frequent complications. This new modality exposes you to real situations with real professionals in a state-of-the-art center.
Conventional teaching modalities became outdated with respect to the real needs of a world that is advancing by leaps and bounds. Technologies, products, techniques and approaches are constantly renewed. The intensity of this growth requires an appropriate adaptation when learning. Professionals need a practical-deductive approach that is more decisive and efficient. Patients, increasingly demanding, evolve and are influenced by a demanding environment towards their facial and body aesthetics.
That is why at Fernández Medical Center we decided to integrate knowledge and practice in the same place. This allows students to experience first-hand the experiences of an aesthetic medicine professional.
Our educational sessions also provide a holistic approach to each treatment and intervention, interrelating specialties such as nutrition, dentistry, dermatology and electro-medicine in each practical case.
The program has group sessions on aesthetic medicine, fillers, bio-stimulators, botulinum toxin, plastic surgery, etc. in three basic formats (in-person, Hands-on and theoretical-practical). The Cadaver-lab modality completes the academic training by strengthening applicable anatomical concepts.
Our team has health professionals who provide a multidisciplinary analysis, helping to understand each case in a comprehensive way and encompassing all the tools of aesthetic medicine in each consultation.
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