As we all know, cellulite is the inflammation of the subcutaneous cellular tissue (fat) beneath the skin that leads to subsequent complex cellular dystrophy. This can manifest itself in different ways and in different degrees of severity. As time goes by, cellulite progresses and becomes increasingly difficult to treat, and in some cases it is irreversible. That is why at Fernández Medical Center we prioritize prevention and care in early stages to achieve greater results.
Now, it is essential to know the factors that favor its appearance. First you have to understand that it is a phenomenon of character “multifactorial”That is to say, there are many reasons why cellulite could appear in our body. From hormonal deregulations, stress, anxiety, circulation disorders, and of course the dietary factor are the main factors that favor its appearance, always around the main hereditary factor. That is why in women it is usually located on the abdomen, riding pants, inner knee, neck, inner arm, etc...
Among the indications for prevention we can mention some such as:
In “Fernández Medical Center” We have an ideal team of professionals to carry out anti-cellulite prevention and treatment in a planned manner. Plastic Surgery and aesthetic specialists will make the diagnosis together with our dermatology service. Together and with the latest technology available they will be in charge of the integrative treatment according to each patient. Reducing treatments such as Cryolipolysis, phosphatidylcholine, Ultracavitation are combined with a tightening treatment provided by mesotherapy and Venus Legacy thus achieving a complete result. Our electromedicine service also offers lymphatic drainage treatments with electromedical equipment. Sequential pressotherapy and 3MHZ Ultrasound. Meanwhile, our patients enjoy comprehensive monitoring by our Nutrition service that will adjust the anti-cellulite diet according to each particular case.
We see then how by working together with professionals, specialists, state-of-the-art equipment and the will of our patients, we can face all those factors that we have mentioned that favor the appearance of cellulite and eliminate those annoying signs that over the years go away. appearing on the woman's body. Understanding the reasons and how to eliminate them, as well as the pathology and how to treat it; we can say Goodbye to Cellulite at “Fernández Medical Center”.