Hyaluronic acid is a substance of organic origin, produced by our body and that has many benefits, among them, it has the ability to improve the production of hard tissues such as joints and cartilage, which helps them to have more strength. and resistance. It is also part of the synovial fluid mixture, which helps the joints move without difficulty, which is why it is often used in the treatment of bone diseases such as arthritis. In addition, it has the function of helping skin tissues to absorb water more easily, keeping them hydrated. This makes hyaluronic acid an ingredient used in many aesthetic treatments for topical use such as skin moisturizing creams. Likewise, it improves the elasticity of the skin, which is why it is used as an ingredient in anti-wrinkle creams. In the same way, it works as a filling substance to eliminate skin wrinkles and to increase the volume of the lips. And believe it or not, due to its properties, it is widely used to eliminate dark circles.
In our medical center we work with Juvederm, the most prestigious brand in the world for this type of treatments.
Learn about all the benefits that hyaluronic acid has for you. Send us your query.